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Leovillo Pacleb
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Here is the class outline:

1. Topic 1 - Displacement (Displacement (ship)

Mar 23 7:30am .. 10am, LMS

This Topic States that, for a ship to float, it must displace a mass of water equal to its own mass (Archimedes principle); Explains how, when the mass of a ship changes, the mass of water displaced changes by an equal amount, and it measured; Explains the relationship between the displacement and mean draught of a ship by using the graph or scale; Defines ‘light displacement’ and ‘load displacement’ Solves for the following when the displacement/draught curve is given:; • displacements for given mean draughts • mean draughts for given displacements • the change in mean draught when given masses are loaded or discharged • the mass of cargo to be loaded or discharged to produce a required change of draught

2. Topic 2 - Deadweight and TPC

Mar 24 8am .. 1pm, LMS

This Topic; Defines deadweight and ‘tones per centimeter immersion’ (TPC); Uses a deadweight scale to find the deadweight and displacement of a ship at various draughts in seawater; Explains why TPC varies with different draughts 4. Uses a deadweight scale to obtain TPC at given draughts

3. Topic 3 Block Coefficient

Mar 29 8am .. 1pm, LMS

This Topic deals with the definitions of; 1. Block coefficient (cb) 2. Comparison of ship shape to rectangular shape to derive the block coefficient 3. Calculations of Cb from given displacement and dimensions 4. Calculations of displacement from given Cb and dimensions

4. Topic 4 Buoyancy

Mar 30 8am .. 1pm, LMS

This Topic; 1. Describes ‘buoyancy’, reserve buoyancy and states its importance 2. Explains how freeboard is related to reserve buoyancy 3. Explains the purpose of load lines 4. Evaluate the requirements for maintaining watertight integrity

5. Topic 5 Stability requirements

Mar 31 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This Topic Demonstrates an understanding of damage stability requirements for certain vessels; Explains reasons for damage stability requirements; Identifies damage stability requirements for Type A vessels, Type (B-60) and Type (B-100) vessels; Identifies equilibrium condition after flooding for Type A, and all Type B vessels; Identifies damage stability requirements for passenger vessels

6. Topic 6 Change of ship draft due to change in water density

Apr 5 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This Topic, Explains why the draught of a ship decreases when it passes from fresh water to seawater and vice versa; States that when loading in fresh water before proceeding into seawater, a ship is allowed a deeper maximum draught; Describes the uses of a hydrometer to find the density of water

7. Topic 7 Fresh Water Allowance

Apr 6 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This topic; Describes what is meant by the fresh water allowance (FWA); Applies the FWA to the calculate for the required draft; Given the FWA and TPC for fresh water, calculates the amount which can be loaded after reaching the summer load line when loading in fresh water before sailing into seawater.

8. Topic 8 Dock water Density

Apr 7 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This Topic; Describes the effect of changes of tide and rain on dock water density; Explains how to obtain the correct dock water density; Calculates the TPC for dock water when the density of dock water and TPC for seawater are given; Calculates the amount by which the appropriate load line may be submerged when the density of dock water and FWA are given and, Calculates the amount to load to bring the ship to the appropriate load line in seawater when the present draught amidships and the density of dock water are given.

9. Topic 9 Center of Gravity and Buoyancy

Apr 11 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This Topic, States that weight is the force of gravity on a mass which is always acts vertically downwards and total weight of a ship and all its contents can be considered to act at a point called the center of gravity (G); States that the center of buoyancy (B) as being the center of the underwater volume of the ship and the force of buoyancy always acts vertically upwards; Explains the total force of buoyancy can be considered as a single force acting through B and when the shape of the underwater volume of a ship changes the position of B also changes; States that the position of B will change when the draught changes and when heeling occurs

10. Topic 10 Diagram of midship cross-section acting Center of Gravity and Force of Buoyancy

Apr 13 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This Topic, Labels a diagram of a midship cross-section of an upright ship to show the weight acting through G and the buoyancy force acting through B; States that the buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the ship; Labels a diagram of a midship cross-section of a ship heeled to a small angle to show the weight acting through G and the buoyancy force acting through B

11. topic 11 - Statical Stability

May 4 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This Topic, Describes stability as the ability of the ship to return to an upright position after being heeled by an external force; Describes that the lever GZ as the horizontal distance between the vertical forces acting through B and G and the forces of weight and buoyancy form a couple; Explains how variations in displacement and GZ affect the stability of the ship; States that the length of GZ will be different at different angles of heel and the couple Δ x GZ tends to turn the ship toward the upright; States that for a stable ship: • Δ x GZ is called the righting moment


May 4 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

Intended Learning Outcome: 1. States that it is common practice to describe the stability of a ship by its reaction to heeling to small angles (up to approximately 10°) 2. Defines the transverse metacenter (M) as the point of intersection of successive buoyancy force vectors as the angle of heel increases by a small angle 3. States that, for small angles of heel, M can be considered as a fixed point on the centerline on a diagram of a ship heeled to a small angle, indicates G, B, Z and M 4. Shows on a given diagram of a stable ship that M must be above G and states that the metacentric height GM is taken as positive.

13. Topic 13 Metacenter Height (GM)

May 11 8am .. 10:30am

This topic; Shows that for small angles of heel, GZ = GM x sin θ; States that the value of GM is a useful guide to the stability of a ship; Describes the effect on a ship’s behavior of: • a large GM (stiff ship) • a small GM (tender ship); Uses hydrostatic curves to find the height of the metacenter above the keel (KM) at given draughts; Finds GM by using the values of KG, KM obtained from hydrostatic curves; States that, for a cargo ship, the recommended initial GM should not normally be less than 0.15m

14. Topic 14 Angle of loll

May 12 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This topic; Shows how the couple formed by the weight and buoyancy force will turn the ship further from the upright.; States the condition when GM is negative and Δ x GZ is called the upsetting moment or capsizing moment; Explains how B may move sufficiently to reduce the capsizing moment to zero at some angle of heel; States the angle of loll and the ship will roll at about the angle of loll instead of the upright; States that an unstable ship may loll to either side; Explains why the condition described in the above objective is potentially dangerous

15. TOPIC 15 - Curves of statical stability

May 16 3pm .. 5:30pm, LMS

This topic explains the ff.: 1. States that for any one draught the lengths of GZ at various angles of heel can be drawn as a graph that described curve of statistical stability. 2. States that different curves are obtained for different draughts with the same initial GM 3. Identifies cross curves (KN curves and Ms curves) 4. Derives the formulae 5. Derives GZ curves for stable and initially unstable ships from KN curves 6. Obtains the following from a given curve of statical stability: • maximum righting lever and the angle at which it occurs • angle of vanishing stability • range of stability

16. Topic 16 Movement of the center of gravity

May 17 2pm .. 4:30pm, LMS

This topic; Shows how lowering the position of G increases all values of the righting lever and vice versa; States that angles of heel beyond approximately 40°are not normally of practical interest because of the probability of water entering the ship at larger angles; Describes the center of gravity (G) of a ship move when masses are moved within, added to, or removed from the ship; Analyzes that: • G moves directly towards the center of gravity of added masses • G moves directly away from the center of gravity of removed masses • G moves parallel to the path of movement of masses already on board